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It is hard to communicate between business and IT

It is hard to communicate with people from other industry. There is domain knowledge barier which will negatively impact execution of most IT project.


  • IT people who are present during meetings about requirements do not participate actively

  • IT people promote upgrading technology instead of improving end to end usability of the system

  • the terminology in the code and database is different from the language used by business people

Negative results

  • fixing each bug requires the work of several people

  • new software developers need a few months before they are effective in working on the code

  • integration with another IT systems is so hard that it is unprofitable despite automating manual work


  • software developers are not interested in the business domain they are currently working on

  • there is no time to train programmers on business knowledge

  • there are no Entity Relationship Diagrams which would explain relationships between business objects and business events

  • there is no established vocabulary

This is my advice:

Steps to perform

  • create Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the business domain ASAP - check how to start

  • make sure that Subject Matter Experts understand the ERD and that everything looks correct

  • organize meetings with software developers to show them the diagram and to talk about it

Positive results

  • the names used in the code, UI labels and database tables and fields names are consistent

  • software developers understand the business language

  • software developers understand what information is needed by the business and they start improving usability of the system


  • there might be a need to gradually migrate existing database to better model

  • single person has to spend from 2 to 4 weeks on creating Entity Relationship Diagram - this is iterative work - I offer end to end consulting support

  • non-IT people will have to learn Crow foot notation and support creation of ERD diagram

The benefits of not changing anything

  • people can continue using many synonyms for the same thing

  • we avoid asking about very basic things where lack of our knowledge may be embarrassing

  • we retain for a group of insiders the understanding of certain aspects of work in the organization

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