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ERD consulting assistance

Creating Entity Relationship Diagrams is working at the fundamentals and shall be part of creating digitalization strategy for the company.

I can help you create Entity Relationship Diagram for your project. I created ERD diagrams so far for following industries:

  • investment banking

  • telecommunications - Content Delivery Network billing

  • e-commerce - product website

  • warehousing - as part of recruitment process

From industry to industry the way of creating Entity Relationship Diagram is the same. Each time it takes many iterations to make it final. Along the way you focus on the terminology and events happening in the business. You are focused on the data and not yet on any functionality. Once you have ERD it will be much simpler to work on requirements.

Creating ERD is a skill that is hard to learn without actually doing it on the real project. It takes a several projects to master and even then it is not easy to do.

Consulting fee

I offer you assistance with drawing ERD for a charge of 200 PLN net (+ VAT) per one 1h session. This fee is much lower than usual consulting fee because I want to have a few successful case studies that will help me do prospecting and marketing. Basically I want you to get a lot of value for very reasonable price.

I will send you an invoice once per month only for finished sessions.


During session we will be only drawing ERD and discussing it. We need at least one Subject Matter Expert on such session. There is no limit regarding number of participants because we will together be drawing a single diagram.

It will be you who will be drawing and presenting the diagram. It shouldn't be me because you are the owner of this diagram. You may record the sessions.


Creating ERD is an iterative process. It makes sense to do it for a course of 2 to 4 weeks doing preferably one or max two meetings a day. The time between ERD sessions is valuable because our brains already have ready answers for us - it just takes a peaceful time without any immediate work to do to convey thoughts from subconscious mind to the conscious one (Kahneman Fast and Slow thinking - System 1 and System 2).

I encourage you to work on ERD between our sessions - whenever something pops to your mind write a note or update ERD - add entities, rearrange existing ones and update relations between them. We can then talk about your changes at the beginning of subsequent meeting.

The number of sessions and their schedule is totally up to you but we shall not exceed 2h per day. It might be we will meet only two or three times and it might be we will spend 20 or more sessions together. We may do sessions every working day or make breaks - it is up to you. We can change the schedule whenever you want.

This podcast episode explains how to create ERD diagrams (recording is in Polish):

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